I’m Mesha Lee

Salon & Suite Beauty Business Strategist and Mindset Mentor

Helping You Create A Salon That Works For YOU

Loving what you do is vital when it come to the beauty industry. It is that passion and love for what you do that fuels your creativity and drive to be better that the next. However, all good thing come to an end and how your end will look depends on what you are doing now.

According to Goldman Sach an estimated $23 billion was spent on haircare products, $18 billion on makeup and $24 on skincare. So how is it that when U.S. News list the top 10 jobs or field with great retirement benefits not one thing was mentioned relate to the beauty industry?

Reason? You work hard, stand 12-16 hours for 20-30 years, miss events, vacations, money fluctuations, drop in industry standard, constant days working just to be known as the best celebrity stylist, loctian, barber, hairdresser, MUA, nail tech? No salespersons from the product companies you teach for or buy from is investing in your retirement. No one is concerned about how you will live when you reach that golden age. Most have to work another job for benefits, be married and get spouses benefits or do without.

Now there is a solution…


Split/End$ is a  online educational platform that offers partnerships, memberships,  salon & suite business building tools and training. Our online one-on-one, group and in salon training on the latest hair styles and trending techniques. keep your on the cutting edge. The main focus is helping you build a beauty business that will give you the freedom to live the life you desire. 

Increase Sales Per Customer

Plug In The Holes In Your Marketing Strategy

Take the guess work out of retirement planning

Take YOUR Salon From Broke to NOTE$

Dear Salon/Suite owner,

Are you tired of trying to figure out how to use what you have to get where you want to go? Do you need someone that can help you sort out your goals and show you how to get it done? You know want to expand and grow but the cash just is not there?

SO, YOU convince yourself that you are doing the world a greater good by working the hardest, longest and cheapest…I’ve already tried that. Let me tell you how that works out… In a few years when inflation hits you, product go up, when the same client you are staying cheap for go on cruises, buy houses, cars, send they kids to college, turning up, wearing the best clothes and living they BEST life. Make sure you tell them to give you the receipt for the bills/vacations you just paid for!

Meet Your 1 Rider The Mesha Lee

The owner of Akachi Beauty Salons in Albemarle & Charlotte, NC (December 2018), Mesha Lee is a licensed cosmetologist, educator, author, director of Akachi Advance Beauty bridge program, and host of 50/50 morning show on Facebook. This award-winning Master Cosmetologist currently holds first-place in NC State Hair battle 2016. She has worked for well-known companies like Salon Finish and Avlon Industries, educating at hair shows, class and in salon services. A panelist and competition judge, Mesha Lee has been a successful salon owner for 22 years. active philanthropist in her community supporting national and local causes that empowers single mothers and children through education, scholarships, and outreach programs.

“I absolutely love doing hair and teaching others how to achieve their goals. Hair cutting, hair coloring and hair extensions is my specialty. Having a great hairstylist is an 80% win, having a great relationship with your client is a 100% every time!